domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2006

Leopoldo Nachbin: "Monteiro was proud that I had been his student"

Leopoldo Nachbin leccionando na Universidade de Rochester (EUA) em 1978
"I myself owe several of the important steps and events, in my training and career, to Monteiro farsightedness as an advisor. I am not going to list details here; it suffices to express globally my indebtedness to Monteiro’s influence when I was young and inexperienced, from the mathematical, psychological and political viewpoints, an occasion in which Monteiro granted me his valuable advice, protection and initiative. Our friendship lasted up to the ultimate opportunity and was not discontinued by adversities through life. Thus, in September of 1980, I still got an excellent letter from him, his last letter to me before he passed away. It was perfectly clear to me that Monteiro was proud that I had been his student; in other words, Monteiro really cared to continue his own life through his former students".
The influence of António A. Ribeiro Monteiro in the development of Mathematics in Brazil
Nachbin, Leopoldo